Month: March 2019

Yoga Poses to promote a healthy transition into Spring.

Spring Poses to complement your sense of renewal and promote movement based detoxification.(Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program, including the poses listed below) Childs Pose Cat-Cow Kneeling Lunge (both sides) Lunging Prayer Twist Revolved Triangle Pose in Standing or Kneeling Plank… Continue Reading “Yoga Poses to promote a healthy transition into Spring.”

Spring is in the air. A time of Transition!

Spring is a time of change. We may find ourselves feeling the warmth of the sun on our faces and saying ahhh! As evening approaches, and it is still light at 7:15pm, we feel a sense of lightness, renewal & energy. As our energy… Continue Reading “Spring is in the air. A time of Transition!”